What is Jin Shin Jyutsu Acupressure?

Jin Shin Jyutsu is a Japanese form of acupressure, based on the ancient Chinese technique of acupuncture. Acupressure is a non-invasive treatment that relies upon no medications, needles, or surgeries—only hands. We focus on 26 points on the body, where energy becomes blocked due to daily stressors resulting in conditions, disorders, and disease, if left unaddressed. The practitioner uses pulse diagnosis and customized hand sequences to open blockages and restore the free flow of free energy within, allowing healing to take place. 

It is compatible with and complementary to all other medical modalities (eastern and western medicine). It is helpful in addressing ailments, maintaining good health, during pregnancy, and in preparation for and recovery from medical procedures. It can also be learned for self-treatment at any place and time. 

What happens during a treatment?

In a 1-hour session, a pulse reading is taken first. Then, the receiver relaxes on her back while the practitioner uses customized sequences to address the given project(s). These energy flow sequences open energetic pathways enabling the body's self-healing mechanisms. The practitioner uses the lightest touch of hands in this process. After the treatment, the recipient is offered a self-help sequence to practice at home.


You have such a loving, caring touch. It was one of the most relaxing, healing experiences I've ever had!
- Joy Cernac, Los Angeles, CA

There were times when I was really stressed, and after the Jin Shin Jyutsu, I found it easier to focus. I was very skeptical at first, but after a few treatments I found it extremely helpful in relieving stress so that now even when I think about it I feel more relaxed.
- Sky Keyes-Vogt, Oakland, CA
Receiving Jin Shin Jyutsu practice from Dr. Rainbow Vogt has affected me deeply. My first session focused on my fingers and hands as she showed me ways to begin a self-practice. These poses I have used many times and have they have brought a sense of calm and rest to my body, both inside and out. In subsequent sessions Dr. Vogt applied energy through poses from head to foot. The effect of which calmed my impulses and urges, leaving me deeply connected to my body and energy flow. It is a privilege to experience her practice.
Ezara Hoffman, Vienna, Austria

I received my first Jin Shin Jyutsu session after I sustained an elbow injury rock climbing. When I complained of pain, Rainbow immediately offered to treat the injury with JSJ. Alien to such a treatment, I was a little skeptical. However, as the session progressed, I found myself relaxing and the pain was receding with her healing touch. At then end of the session, my arm felt better and mobile. I received two subsequent treatments on my elbow. The problem has not occurred since. I would very much recommend JSJ healing to athletes suffering from sport injuries.
- Ashish Vaswani, Los Angeles, CA

I have received Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions from Rainbow and I am find the sessions both therapeutic and extremely relaxing. I highly recommend Rainbow Vogt and her healing hands!
- Warren Jones, Davis, CA 

I definitely remember the first time you gave me Jin Shin Jyutsu. I was so amazed at how relaxed and peaceful it made me feel....especially since we were traveling around India at the time. I also thought that the little tips you taught me (holding my thumb when I worry, my middle finger for headaches, Mother Nature's remedy....) really stuck with me and I still use them today. Your tips also make me pay more attention to certain ways I hold myself during the day which may be my body's own form of Jin Shin.
- Karly Burch, Minneapolis, MN

It was one of the very few things that made me feel light.
- Mukesh Ray, New Delhi, India

Delightful, peaceful, calming, and at times humourous.  
- Bruce Nixon, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, England

Being the Westerner that I am, I admit I was skeptical as I began my first Jin Shin Jyutsu session. "Really?" I said to myself, "gentle touch can't loosen up the tension I've got. I feel like I need a boxer's fists to dig into my muscles with massage, I need long sharp acupuncture needles stuck into me, I need something rough!" But then Rainbow started the session and I felt my whole body immediately get washed over - like I was jumping into a hot spring - it encompassed me, it was fluid, it was gentle, and it seemed like it was bubbling up from the ground (and everywhere), and I felt myself just relax and release into it. "Ahhhh!" my body said. 
- Gabriel Dominguez, San Francisco, CA

What conditions are treated?

In Acupressure, we address a wide range of issues for the purpose of healing from an illness or injury, preventing disease, and maintaining overall health. With over 600 addressed in Jin Shin Jyutsu (see below), treatments address a wide range of conditions from the physical, mental, and metaphysical dimensions. See a full project list at the bottom of this page.

Can I perform acupressure on myself?

Yes, you can and that is the goal. Self-guided healing is ideal so that you can be healed at any time in any place. See the slide show on the side bar to practice restorative poses and mudras (hand poses) for daily use. Breath deeply as you hold each pose listening for a gentle pulse in your fingers. When the pulses harmonize, move to the next pose.